Pond Keeper Clarity Max (Flocculant) (1 gal)

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Only: $263.85
Item Number: 4000-218
Pond Keeper Clarity Max is one of the most concentrated pond flocculants in the marketplace. It will quickly clear up murky or cloudy water caused by suspended organic & inorganic particles in koi ponds, water garden ponds and aquariums. The product works by pulling these floating particles together and settling them to the bottom.
Pond Keeper Clarity Max will:
• Quickly clear cloudy water
• Settle out suspended organic and inorganic (mud and clay) particles
• Improve filtration
One 16 oz. bottle of pond flocculant will treat up to 8000 gallons of pond water, while one gallon bottle will treat up to 64,000 gallons of pond water.
For best results, dilute the dosage amount with 2-3 gallons of pond water, then apply the final solution to the pond, either by pouring the solution into the pond at the base of a waterfall, or by pouring the solution around the edges of the pond. Final solution may also be sprayed over the entire surface of the water.
NOTE: The goal is to get an equal distribution of this formulation throughout the entire body of water. Murky water should clear up within hours of application.
For problem ponds, a second dose of liquid pond flocculant may be required 24 hours later. Use as needed, to keep the water clean and clear.
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